A Fennec Fox


Runs with Deer
11 Years
Jul 14, 2008
Derby Kansas
I found two breeders in Kansas. They're amazing little creatures. I've been researching and watching videos on youtube. I really would like to have one after college, I hope they are still legal after I've graduated. (They just recently made it so that you had to have a license to sell hedgehogs). Some people I know are going to say "Oh they are wild animals and shouldn't be pets." Well dogs and cats at some point were wild animals, I guess we should of left those alone too? Also your chickens?... I feel as if their enough like dogs and cats put together that they make fine pets. Tigers and such are different stories because they need so much open space to roam and they cannot really hunt their usual game in captivity. I think if you have enough time, space and, money to put into these animals (Fennec Foxes) it's perfectly fine. It looks like a Fennec will cost around $1,500 or so.

I may get one someday, or perhaps a genet or a miner's 'cat' (cacomistle). The latter is fairly curious and playful even in the wild, and was historically kept for pet purposes...which, along with uses as work animals/livestock/etc, is true of many animals, as you touched upon.
Since programs for help with rarer breeds and species are harder to find, it is really important to make sure you can provide adequate care (ie. vet who works with the animal of choice, correct diet, etc), and that you have a back up plan if anything goes wrong with the animal not being docile/handable/pet quality. Heck, I've had a hard time finding vets for even pet rats.
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ive worked with fennec, and while they are positivly adorable, i doubt id ever own one...
they are cute, and fun to watch but my experience has been the ones who do become good "pets" only do so to 1 person and can be quite agressive towards other people in their territory...
the ones i looked after would pee on you alot too lol.

remember its not just the initial cost of the animals, they need a large amount of space for their time, vet care is xpensive for exotics and their diet (if your planning to go natural) is very varied and can be quite complicated. they are also noctournal animals so unless your a night owl...

theres many exotics i aways think "hey id love one of those" (the slow loris being one of them)
ive worked with enough exotics in both zoo and rescue situations that i just couldnt do it...
I have seen them at exotic sales. They are cute. Personally I wouldn't have one because it might eat my other critters and there seems to be a nervousness about them that would keep me on edge.
Also if I remember right they have a very strong urine odor.
their urine does tend to be quite strong, there desert animals so dont drink alot of water so they realy NEED to be on a raw food diet rather than the food commonly sold as fennec food (or worse feeding cat/dog food) like cats, fennecs get aproximatly 98% of the water they need directly from thier food which normally woudl consist of insects and rodents and occasionally birds, lizards and even small snakes.
Cats, chickens, and dogs have been domesticated, Fennecs have not. I wanted a fennec for a long time in high school. I would not recommend getting one unless you have spent time with them. I would recommend owning your own house and having a fennec specific room. They are difficult to box train, chew on anything, will bolt out doors, will destroy carpet, and have EXTREMELY strong smelling urine. If you want an exotic pet get a safari, savannah, or Bengal cat.
Cats, chickens, and dogs have been domesticated, Fennecs have not. I wanted a fennec for a long time in high school. I would not recommend getting one unless you have spent time with them. I would recommend owning your own house and having a fennec specific room. They are difficult to box train, chew on anything, will bolt out doors, will destroy carpet, and have EXTREMELY strong smelling urine. If you want an exotic pet get a safari, savannah, or Bengal cat.

dont forget they dig and dig and dig and DIG some more!

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