How many eggs do your Australorps lay?

My Australorps layed about an egg a day during the summer and I had two hens that hatched out 2 broods of their own. The eggs I am getting from first time layers have been on the large side but not dramatic. The eggs laying has dropped off a bit due to the decrease in light
Mine have laid an egg a day (with the occasional one day break) since they were 7 months. Now they're just going on a year old they've slowed down slightly... maybe twice a week I'll get one egg less in the box. They've been ranging less recently, plus it's mid-Summer and quite hot, so I imagine that has slowed things down a little as well as them moving out of that magic pullet year.
my birds are really really weird... i think... maybe not... any way they area laying 4-7 a day now. i think they are happy.

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