Ran out of feed and everything is closed! What can I feed my chickens?

Scrambled eggs, oatmeal, vegetables...what do you have? Really it won't kill them to miss a meal. Is Walmart open tomorrow?
\\ETA: ah, see the Monday now. they also like cheese. Why not give them left over Christmas meal? minus the sweets.
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Walmart actually carries scratch and corn, possibly oats depending on where you're at. If you can't find any of that stuff in the foods section, some fresh veggies, rolled oats (quaker), scrambled eggs and even sausage.
Totally misread that post, not once, but twice! They have bird feed in the garden section. I buy the nut and berry mix and mix it into their feed. Any seed, grain, mix will hold you till Monday.
Sorry, I meant you could find the scratch and other seed foods in the pet section!! EGADS...my brain has been ransacked by TMI!!
I have 8 50 lbs bags I'm set I'll won't run out for awhile.

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