'dumpy butt'

Ducks store fat in their butts, just below their vent. Your duck looks like a typical lard butt to me.

The ducks who are heavy layers will sometimes look larger in the butt area. But mostly, I suspect that your duck is FAT. If it doesn't feel like fluid and she is acting normally, all she needs is a diet.

My Appleyards are very prone to having a large store of fat in their bottoms.
I agree that if she is otherwise acting within the normal range, let her be . . . I was concerned about Vier last summer, as she seemed to have just a bit of puffiness in the lower part of her belly. She is one of my best layers. I think it may be related to that. This year though she's a bit more broad than some of the other Runners, she doesn't seem to have so much of a belly.
My hen looks the same as the one in the photos and is acting perfectly fine but, she hasn't been laying any eggs for quite awhile. Could she be egg bound?
resurrecting this post,

I have a Khaki like this and was checking to see if these fixed it's self or if something has to be done. I won't take her to a vet, but will cull if it's something that has to be done. My ducks are for food/eggs and this one is not producing either so. if it's treatable with home remedies I can do that, otherwise she will need to be put down. Caught her stuck in the swimming pool this morning with the drake mating with her. she couldn't get out and was freezing...

She may be getting put on a veggie diet or an all grain diet after this week if something can't be done.

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