Submit Your Chicken Page For The Picture Of The Week (POW)

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BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Every week we'll be choosing from our member's "My Chickens" pages to be featured as a Picture Of The Week (POW) on the homepage of the site.

You can find it in the Learning Center here: My Chickens

In the page we want you to post at least one picture (more is better) of your chicken(s) and then some information about them, for example:

  • Breeds
  • Ages
  • Where you got them
  • Favorite treats, funny stories, their personalities, what you love most about them, etc.

We'll choose a picture from some of the pages and feature it as the POW and then comment on your Chicken Page with a note that it has been featured with a link back to this thread (since everyone always wants to know how to get their chicken as a POW).

NOTE: If you want to boost the likelihood of your chicken pic being chosen for a POW, make sure your pictures are very clear, sharp, clean / nice backgrounds, etc.

We look forward to seeing your submissions!


Here is the note posted in the comments section of each page that had a POW chosen:


Here is a list of the most recent Chicken Pictures Of The Week:
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I started on one, but I found there doesn't seem to be an easy way to place photos from my old uploads album into the page. I had to open two browser windows, one with the album and one with the edit window for "My Chickens". Then I'd right click the photo in the upload, select "copy image location" and go to "My Chickens" to the photo insert link, and paste the URL in there. Pretty awkward- is there a simpler method? (hmm, I could probably drag the image from the album to the page, I'll try that).

Edit to add: yes, I could open two windows, one with my album, one with my chicken page, and drag the image across.
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