My First Hatch A Long


8 Years
Dec 16, 2011
Eddy, Texas
I locked down 97 Bobs on Thursday nite. It looked like all but 23 eggs were developed, from what I could tell with my spotlight! As of this morning, I have 14 healthy chicks in the brooder. I expect a busy hatch day on today through tomorrow. I can only imagine how busy I will be with 80+ chicks...keeping my fingers crossed! I will try to get some pics posted later with an update.
It has been an exciting day so far...up to 55 chicks in the brooder and eggs are still getting circles cut into their tops. Funny how they hatch in cycles. I can go 2 hours with only one chick then all of a sudden a dozen start hatching. I am off to town to get supplies to build a second brooder! I will post pics later of my large covey!
Up to 77 chicks
with 20 eggs still in the hovabator! I would have never imagined this good of a hatch rate on my first attempt.


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