Building a new coop....insulation??

My thought is if you think it might be too cold you can always put in a U shaped block of hay bales for them to nestle in, that would be a nice temporary insulation that you can spread out and use when it gets warmer and before it starts to mold.
I live in interior Alaska, it gets -40 multiple times each winter. I DO need insulation and a heat lamp. I also have to put in a light on a timer to overcome the lack of a regular day/night cycle else they won't lay very well. I agree the type of birds are important. I've had good success with aricaunas. I grew up in Ohio and raised chickens there also, no insulated coop needed.
I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to insulate your coop. The birds do give off some heat. I live in Florida so I have just the opposite problem, the heat. I do have the ceilings in 2 of my less ventilated coops insulated to help keep them cooler in the summer. The coops do seem to be somewhat cooler since I put the insulation in.

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