Not really new, but hello!


7 Years
Mar 4, 2012
Greetings all my fair BYCers!*

I am MrCoq, also known as RoosterRehab97. I registered here back in '09 and dropped off the face of the earth sometime later; and now I'm back! I must admit that my status as a deeply refined poultry enthusiast has soured somewhat, with my becoming jaded (can one really become jaded with chickens? Maybe it's a teenage thing) and 'disillusioned' with the hobby. However with the deeply unfortunate happenstance of a fox and his three-course chicken dinner, the family was assigned to come up with a new flock (the babies nonwithstanding. They survived the encounter). On seeing their choices I rebelled and became a chicken Hipster or 'Chickster'. A firm believer that Poultry is an art and fine roosters are the paintings, I decided to embark on a quest for my own perfect rooster and rare flock. Which of course lead me here. I'm excited to have come back because this place is reigniting all the love I felt for the hobby when I first joined. So hi!


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