Growing Vines up Mesh Fence of Chicken Run?

I grow hops on my run fencing. I put hardware cloth up to the height the chickens can get to so it isn't pecked and eaten. The plus is that hops have such big leaves, shades the run really nice!
I grew string beans up the side of mine last one seemed to suffer from it...well, except for the beans of course! Some of the leaves were a tad shredded, but I was just using up some extra seeds (I prefer bush beans, these were given to me) and wanted to see if they would make it. Looked nice I thought, and the girls enjoyed the munchies!
I started several seedless grape vines on my fence and I really love it. The vines provide a lot of shade in the lot and the chickens love the grapes. When the japanese beetles try to eat the grapes they become a high protein snack for the chickies! The chickens only eat some of the lower grapes and those that fall to the ground.
The vines are nice and green from spring til frost, and I make grape juice and grape jelly!
Then for color, I hang a few baskets of geraniums in the garden.
Here is a picture of some of my flowers.
We're we have started a new run, well at least in progress we have black berry vines and morning glory. We have tore out all around area of run, but I'm worried about it growing back. Is there a way to find out if the Chickens know not to eat it.
My life is one constant battle with the morning glory that grows in feom the neighbor's yard. I'm actually thinking about buying a Red Dragon Weed Torch because hacking it back juat isn't enough anymore. If I let that plant touch my coop, it would take over completely.
You certainly are right. We have wild BlackBerries to add even more frustration.
Last year my husband cleared out both he actually not just sprayed but dug down and got the root. We have been fortunate that it has stayed clear.
Now with news run I have been working to clear the are, but I'm worried that it sleek right up before I turn around.
I know it is dangerous for the Chickens but I was hoping that they would no by sight taste not to consume it.
Or do I really need to work on using something else.

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