Rat Issue

One pair of rats producing 300 a year is actually a little misleading. Rat propagation is exponential, therefore one female rat can be responsible for over 1000 little guys and gals in a year. That's the 1 + 1 =2, 2+2 = 4, 4+4 = 8,,,,and so on. We had a serious rat problem, and trapped over 30 in a one month period. I've never met a rat that doesn't fall prey to creamy peanut butter. My wife got 2 in one trap at the same time. Believe in peanut butter,,,just save some for yourself!!!

Rat traps are not inhumane if loaded correctly and the springs are strong. Old traps are usually the culprit for suffering 'cause the spring is weak. I understand your dilemma, but if ya don't nip the bud now, your problem will exacerbate itself. You'll never get rid of the little guys, but you can control them. Hope this helps,,,,

My rats are quite smart also and I am dreading next spring. I am going to try some steal wool in some of the tunnel holes. But am now going to look for CAT that is SAFE for my chickens and ducks... LOL - i know a few barn cats that don't bother the chickens and ducks on their farm, so in search of the perfect CAT... and again that is a funny statement.
My barn cats have left the rats to me! I've found that poison is the only solution; not good, but the only thing that really works. Lock up the pets, and use a warfarin type product, NOT Bromothelin, which is way worse for pets. Mary

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