Duck in distress?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 25, 2011
Hi all.
I have 5 chickens and 3 ducks.
I live in the city and that is all i can have.
I keep the ducks and chickens seperate overnight in their own parts of the garden, but let them run together during the day so i can watch for bullying etc.
I was very happy that all the hens/ duck are laying that should be on a very regular basis.
The chickens are fine but I have a problem with a duck.
As I said I have 3.
I have a male Ayelsbury about 10/12 months old, a cross Ayelsbury /Indian runner that I hatched from an egg 5 months old and a young female Ayelsury 8 weeks, that I keep in the pen with the ducks, but in its own coop away from the amourous male.
The 5 month old started laying beautiful eggs about 2 weeks ago. I guess the spring and nice weather made the male a little hyper and he mates with the cross. I have to keep the little one away as if i turn my back there is a terrible scene and I have to break it up. It is very violent. That is why I keep the little one in its own enclosure in the pen. I let it out for a swim once the 2 others are in the main garden with the chickens.
The cross duck stopped laying about 4 days ago, till then I was getting them daily. Tonight i have gone out to bed them all in and it looks like it is hurt? It was in the corner and looked as if it was laying. It was crouched down, but twitching. I walked towards it and it tried to scuttle away but she looked in pain. I managed to pick her up and look underneath in case she had something tangled in her feet or something? She looks off balance? The male duck actually flew at my face to protect her. Made me jump a bit as it has never shown aggresion before? I put her in the back of the pen in the thick straw for comfort and left her.
I have just been out and she is out of the comfortable area and in the open in the corner making the twitching movements again.
What do people think?
The male is very very rough with her and I think it may have broken a wing or leg or something, is that possible?
In conclusion:
This morning the duck was fine. This evening it is crouching and flinching in the corner.
Opinions please.

Just been back outside and the duck is facing the corner. It is not twitching anymore , but it looks to be panting, It reall looks traumatised to me. I also noticed now that there are a couple of loose white feathers on each wing. The duck is predomanitley black and the only white feathers are underneath the wing and only visable when it flaps them. I really think it has been roughly treated by the male, as it looks dishevelled and just wants to hide in the corner.
I know the male is frustrated to not be able to get to the young Ayelesbury and wondered if it was too much for the cross on its own? How many ducks should there be to a drake? What age should they be introduced? I will have to get rid of the male if this is confirmed as it really is a violent encounter at times.
Please advise.
This is my first spring with sexually mature ducks and, yes it is quite violent. She may be scared and hiding, but if she's acting physically distressed and hasn't laid, I would wonder if she's egg bound.
Egg bound? Please explain.

I have now taken the young 8 week old out of the coop and put the male in there.

So , now I have the 2 girls running free if they chose and the rapist locked up as it should be.

I have also had to pick up the cross and put it in the hay filled shelter. The little one ran in as it is so comfy.

It was too easy to catch the cross., it is as if it is almost crippled?

I have put up a board as there is no door to keep them in.

I can see through the gap that the little one is loving it. The cross is quaking.
I really dont hold much hope?

I dont know what else to do?

Been out first thing this morning fully expecting to find the Duck dead.
It has laid an egg and seems to look a lot better?
The egg was no bigger than normal, perhaps smaller.
I think it probably was egg bound?
I hope it doesnt have the same problem next time, I would rather not have th eggs.
It really was in a terrible way. Couldnt walk, quakeing and trembling in the corner.

What is the normal ratio of Duck to Drake?
I really do think that the male constanly mounting her doesnt help the situation.
Like I said it is a very violent copulation and seems too often.

I have the two females together now in the main run and the Drake is in the coop watching them.

Duck strutting around now like...........whats the fuss about?
I am glad, but cannot beleive how ill it looked?
Maybe this can be a lesson to all. that sometimes ducks play wolf?

I have now let the male out and he so missed his mate and i have put the youngster back in the enclosed coop.

Well. lets see what tomorrow brings?


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