when to feed table scraps?

Everybody does it different. Me I only feed my chicks medicated chick starter for the first 8 weeks.Then give them treats. Mine live on the ground & its real sandy here so I've never used grit but you probably need to add some grit before feeding table scraps.
Thanks, they are in my bathroom now so all they have access to is pine shavings
Unless they peck on the grout in my tile..(They havent done this yet)..but i will wait until 8 weeks.
Dont want to kill them off right away being dumb.
I gave mine chick grit and started treats at 3 weeks old. They love the Happy Hens dried mealworms. They also get BOSS ( blac oil sunflower seeds) and lots of finely chopped up greens. They dont like bananas and apples but I've read most chickens do!
I did buy some grit awhile back and my chicks did use it... But I free range them now, and there is plenty of little rocks and whatnot. Is this a suitable alternative? Or do I need to still be providing grit?
I've not used grit ever since I started free ranging and have never had a problem. I assume it probably depends on the terrain.....or maybe not?
I have 2 rhode island reds 1 leghorn(the others met a dog and crow). They love mealy worms they eat apples cantelope, lettuce, strawberries, egg shells, grape leaves and grapes.
I also have 3 bard rock chicks who eat the grape leaves and grapes. haven't given them too much other their regular grow food yet.

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