A happy ending to a wry neck chick story! (WITH PICS) - WITH UPDATE

I just wanted to share after a Google search and reading this blog & comments my little Starla is doing better than I expected. I made the decision that since she was fighting and eating & drinking on her own I would help her as best as I could. Thank you so very much.
Has anyone ever seen a frizzle chicken that sometimes its neck is between her legs and she shacking and she gets stuck on her back for a few days then for a week or two she's fine

I recently bought 2 bantam frizzles for my husband for his birthday yesterday and the breeder gave him 3 bantam smooth frizzles of different ages with wry neck. 1 (the oldest at about 3 months) was so bad that it would not lift its head but the 1 month and 2 month seem to be coping fine with minor ticks (stargazing occasionally). The 3 month old was so bad it would not eat or drink so I had my husband return it to the breeder today. As soon as it was back at the breeders it lifted its head and ate and drank on its own before resting again. Stress definitely plays a very huge part in the symptoms of wry neck. Once/if the chicken is strong enough and the symptoms have significantly improved the breeder said we are more then welcome to come get it. The breeder said that she culls only when the quality of life and willingness to survive on its own are very low. Not all cases are hopeless but not all cases have the best odds either. This is my first experience with wry neck. It is definitely a scary and sad sight. If your little chicken is eating and drinking fine during its worse symptoms I personally wouldn't cull as it's quality of life and willingness to survive are evident. I just would not recommend breeding that particular bird and keeping it as a "pet only" animal.
My chick is 7 weeks old and when I first got him he had a seizure so I got some vitamins Bc I thought he had vitamin deficiency I've been giving him 2 drops of vitamin b12 with b complex and 2 drops of vitamin E 400 IU but he didn't have another seizure after the day I got him but now I think he has crookneck Bc he's holding his neck to one side but he can still eat and drink just fine. Does anyone know of a treatment to help him or should I up the doses on the vitamins? Very worried about my little guy he sleeps in my room
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I recently bought 2 bantam frizzles for my husband for his birthday yesterday and the breeder gave him 3 bantam smooth frizzles of different ages with wry neck. 1 (the oldest at about 3 months) was so bad that it would not lift its head but the 1 month and 2 month seem to be coping fine with minor ticks (stargazing occasionally). The 3 month old was so bad it would not eat or drink so I had my husband return it to the breeder today. As soon as it was back at the breeders it lifted its head and ate and drank on its own before resting again. Stress definitely plays a very huge part in the symptoms of wry neck. Once/if the chicken is strong enough and the symptoms have significantly improved the breeder said we are more then welcome to come get it. The breeder said that she culls only when the quality of life and willingness to survive on its own are very low. Not all cases are hopeless but not all cases have the best odds either. This is my first experience with wry neck. It is definitely a scary and sad sight. If your little chicken is eating and drinking fine during its worse symptoms I personally wouldn't cull as it's quality of life and willingness to survive are evident. I just would not recommend breeding that particular bird and keeping it as a "pet only" animal
Have you ever seen anything where a chicken all the sudden loses her balance? I have a frizzle that all the sudden cant keep her balance ends up on her back like my one that passed of wry neck did! she has no neck curve and holds her head up fine!! I made a trend with photos she eats drink poops and has hell of fight!!!
My chick is 7 weeks old and when I first got him he had a seizure so I got some vitamins Bc I thought he had vitamin deficiency I've been giving him 2 drops of vitamin b12 with b complex and 2 drops of vitamin E 400 IU but he didn't have another seizure after the day I got him but now I think he has crookneck Bc he's holding his neck to one side but he can still eat and drink just fine. Does anyone know of a treatment to help him or should I up the doses on the vitamins? Very worried about my little guy he sleeps in my room
Seizures can be common in chickens, as in all animals and people. Wry neck or twisted neck should be treated with vitamin E and selenium, so best to use 1-2 drops of Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell vitamins with minerals daily. Many powdered vitamins for poultry also work, and selenium is found in eggs, tuna, nuts and seeds.
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Seizures can be common in chickens, as in all animals and people. Wry neck or twisted neck should be treated with vitamin E and selenium, so best to use 1-2 drops of Poultry NutriDrench or Poultry Cell vitamins with minerals daily. Many powdered vitamins for poultry also work, and selenium is found in eggs, tuna, nuts and seeds.
Thank you I will try that
This is what he looks like he doesn't have it bad just a little
glad your chick is well.
my hen started have issues with her neck, she spins her head and keeps it upside down on the ground. she started having a limp then her neck started turning down to the ground. i removed her from the coop and brought her inside in a box. not sure this is the same issue. can someone help.

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