What did you do in the garden today?

a far side cartoon
LOVE that cartoon!

We used to have the day-by-day calendar where I used to work. Someone would buy it, stick it on the wall. Opening it before Jan 1 was NOT ALLOWED!!!

It was also considered "uncool" to read ahead.

There was a room that was remodeled in the building that everyone said was "on the far side of the building." We did a lot of work for a local artist who made neon displays. He made a clock with some neon lights that said "The Far Side" and we put it in that room.

Apple blossoms, got to love them 🥰

Peach tree hanging full, thank God the frost didn’t kill them 😅

Cherry tree is also full with cherries, but usually the birds are faster, and it is too large for netting ( not to mention some birds get caught and you don’t always find them on time 😢)

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