Red Heat Lamp needed?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 28, 2012
Hi! I have 6 four to six week old chickens. During the night I lock them up in the coop and I let them out into the run during the day. I just got them and am new to raising chickens. The weather has pretty much stayed in the 80's during the day so I figured that it was warm enough for them outside. My question is this, do I need a red heat lamp on them at night? I have a lamp and I tried using a regular light bulb = didn't put off much heat and kept the chickens awake at night. If you think that I should still have a heat lamp on them at night (I know this is probably a silly question) where would I buy the red light? At a farmer's co-op or Tractor Supply store?

Mine are about 5weeks now and I put their heat lamp on still-just at night, as it gets warmer I will gradually ween them off of it. Its a 125watt that I got from Homedepot, but TSC and co-op do sell them!
The breeder I got my chicks from said that I could take their heat lamp out at six weeks. I did and they were fine. This was also a few months ago when it was much cooler and raining a lot. Mine huddled on the floor of the coop for the first few nights without it but soon became accustomed.
Thanks for the advice to both of you! I got a 125 watt light that I have been keeping on the chickens. They have been sick so I am going to keep it on them until I see signs of improvement, and then I will wean them off of it like you suggested Jessiduck.
At 5 weeks old they don't really need the light if it's staying above 70 degrees. Being too warm can be a problem for them also so don't over do the heat. I had to put a small light in the coop for a while after they went out, not for heat but to get them to quiet down in the coop after dark. Bunch of chickens afraid of the dark.
- mine are too! I felt bad, but I don't have electricity out there for a light

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