I know this is a naked neck...is it a cross?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 30, 2012
South Georgia

I got this naked neck from Ideal Hatchery. She is obviously blond but two things intrigue me. Her wings remind me a bit of the Salmon Faverolles I have or the markings on my RIR babies. Additionally, her abdominal skin and feet have more of a blueish tint. Has anyone experienced this? This is my first experience with naked necks, so I wonder if this is normal.
I was thinking that may be the case. From what I understand, it is selective breeding for the trait of no feathering on the neck. Thus, the trait is more important than the breed I guess...
The NN gene is a partially dominant gene. If the parent bird has no bow tie of feathers on the front of its featherless neck, then all offspring will have a NN. If the parent bird has a bow tie on its otherwise NN, then half of its offspring will have NN with a bow tie. (I think). The feet color may indicate breeding with an EE.

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