Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

I'm new to chickens, don't have any yet as I'm still in the research and gather info phase. I was leaning toward Astrolope chicks. Are they friendly? Your's are sooo cute!

Welcome Country!!

Australorps are one the best layers. If you are looking for a great egg layer, you will want one of these beauties. And, the sex links, and RIR's, and I love the leghorn. Everyone says what? My leghorns are always friendly. Here is a picture of my leghorn about a week ago. She should start laying next month! Big white eggs on the way. All of the other birds I mentioned lay nice big brown eggs.

When I lean down, if my lap is anywhere clear, she is up there. My leghorn, Miss Piggy.

Here is a picture of my Australorp all grow up, took this pic today. See the turquoise?
It really shows up more in real life. Their feathers are so black, they shine this color in
the sun. I love their sweet eyes..they have sweet faces. She started laying in March,
is now laying almost every day.
my lil girls at 24 days old
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Welcome Country!! Australorps are one the best layers. If you are looking for a great egg layer, you will want one of these beauties. And, the sex links, and RIR's, and I love the leghorn. Everyone says what? My leghorns are always friendly. Here is a picture of my leghorn about a week ago. She should start laying next month! Big white eggs on the way. All of the other birds I mentioned lay nice big brown eggs. When I lean down, if my lap is anywhere clear, she is up there. My leghorn, Miss Piggy. Here is a picture of my Australorp all grow up, took this pic today. See the turquoise? It really shows up more in real life. Their feathers are so black, they shine this color in the sun. I love their sweet eyes..they have sweet faces. She started laying in March, is now laying almost every day.
Thank you so much. Both your girls are beautiful. My husband would only eat white eggs, so ill definitely have to get a leghorn. Your australorpe's feathers are so pretty with the sun hitting her. I want 4 chickens, and so far, these two kinds are topping my list.
I saw the pic of your austrolorp and immediately said 'black jersey giant!' Because it looks exactly like my lady that is supposed to be a b.g. She and her sister were freebies, said to be b.g. /red sexlink mix. Even what I call the butt fluff that looks like it just poofs out behind the slicked down feathers! She shines a green tint too.
Here are my new girls I just got Monday. Barred and Australorps.....All I keep thinking is hmmm, should of gotten a few more, but there is still time to go grab a few this weekend! Great photos everyone. Keep them coming

Finally! My girls came yesterday!!! Here are a few...

Betty Davis on the left, and Grace Kelly on the right...both Easter Eggers.

Brownie... also Easter Egger.

My 3 Redheads... Rhode Island Reds. Letting my 3 nieces name these.
They have been threatening: Omlet, Scambled and Over Easy

The Barred Plymoth Rocks and Silver Cuckoo Marans wouldnt stand still on by background.
They were too busy trying to figure out the roosts!

They are all about 4 days old. It amazes me how the wing feathers popped out SO FAST!
They had NONE when I got the at 6:50am yesterday!

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