First batch of CornishX- 3 in the fridge today- fermented feed, notes and some growth data

My last bird by accident cut into her windpipe a bit. I could see some gurgling their but she was still breathing through that. That was my mistake and I will not do that again.
I just wanted the birds to have a peaceful end completely drama free. I couldn't bare the thought of anything else for them.

It is really mind over matter, you just get in into your head it must be done and you are doing it kindly. I tried hanging one of my Jumbo Cornish X rocks upside down a couple of days prior and she flipped out. I knew that I was not going that route when I saw that.
Having her trust me and on my lap comfy felt better for me and for her. I tell you this was my first kill those four birds.
I am getting more in later for a January slaughter.
The birds do better in cooler weather.
I think I could have just slid the blade across the neck and cut it my knife was really sharp... I don't know why I sawed it...It was also something to learn from.

It is hard to do, many of my friends had exactly the same reaction yours did. Unless they are in this raising chickens and eggs, they will not understand it. When I spell it all out to them they are actually quite shocked that they never even knew or thought about how the chickens got to the supermarket. So sad to know of so much ignorance. I have opened up a few eyes now and I feel good about it.
We are doing such a great service to the bird. As you know chickens are the most abused animals on the planet.
It saddens me so deeply that I gave up eating ALL factory produced eggs and chicken. Even "free range" unless I see it for myself. The law says free range birds only need one door to get out of. I know I had to train all of my birds to go outside or they would never have left the safety of their coop.
i just did my meat birds this morning. i also was very proud of the fact that they treated humanly. i raised them as day old;s. gave them free range, feed them vegtables left overs, and good base feed. i slaughterd them with a prayer of thanks. they were treated with respect they in return gave pleasure and food.
Sunkissed, I have been thinking about your video and method a lot- and now even my blood-shy partner wants to watch it tonight with a couple of our friends...(after a roast chicken dinner!) I want to do what ever is the least stressful and the most honorable for the birds. I don't want to eat a bunch of adrenaline-laced meat, either.

I have not bought "normal" cheap chicken since I passed a chicken truck on the highway 10+ years ago...did I say that already? It was horrifying - wire mesh walls and the chickens were still alive and crammed in like sardines and the truck was leaving a trail of feathers. That did it for me. After having layers for past 3 years, I felt that I was finally ready to try my own. I am so glad that I have!

I have a question about knives- do you test yours on something to see if it is sharp enough? Did you practice on something first?
Good job to everyone who's taken the leap of making a chicken into a chicken dinner :) It's a hard thing to learn, but it's a good skill to gain.

I like to still hang mine, but I hold them after cutting the veins, to keep them from flapping and panicking. It's quieter and less chance of a broken wing.

As for knives, I love my scalpels (purchased online through a medical supply - Havels), so I know they are uber sharp. I don't have the hand strength or coordination to use an axe or large knife for decapitation, so I stick with what I know I'm good at.

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