The Old Folks Home

Hello again, all! I haven't been able to indulge in BYC time for almost 2 months due to my old computer being on its last gasp, and especially with our peaceful retirement life being blown to smithereens by our daughter and her two littles (age 7 months and 3 years) moving in with us unexpectedly due to a separation & now divorce proceedings. They'll be with us for the next couple-few years while she gets through the legal process and eventually finds work and her own place nearby, after living in Burbank, CA for so many years. So now DH and I are being time-warped back to the years of infant and toddler wrangling, household chaos, broken sleep, etc. and I lost my "office/guest room/dogs' room" retreat since we have family living in there now.

DH found me a new laptop and got me up & running at last, and now I can occasionally sneak away (feeling guilty about taking personal time) to look at BYC posts and (GAAH!) world news once in awhile.

Just when we'd started to dry out & warm up from a winter of frequent atmospheric rivers, a big storm from Alaska moved through and dropped 4" of rain on us over the past two days. DH checked his weather station data and said we've had 6 feet of rain since October (!!!)

Poor hens lost their newly-made dust wallows to mud puddles again, sorry girls! (They do have a dust bath bin under the coop but of course prefer to excavate their own.)

Sun's out today and I desperately need to get out & attack the lush weeds that are taking over all my garden areas, but household & kid care have to come first. And the daily "coop scoop" of course, the girls need to have a clean space to roost and lay!

I've missed reading everyone's daily-life comments, hope to be able to duck in here more often and catch up!

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