My "fat" goat **update page 2***. The kids are here!


9 Years
Apr 20, 2010
I think she may be pregnant. Picture then the story!



We got her the middle of April from a guy my husband works with. She's a Pygmy/Nubian cross. She was three months old when I got her. I thought she was getting fat and maybe bloated. The other day my husband and I were out feeling her rumen and my husband said it almost felt like she was pregnant on her right side as there was something hard. I felt it too but figured it might just be something funky. She has been acting fine. Just her obnoxious, loud self! Then yesterday I was remembering that pygmies go into heat year round and it dawned on me that she may have gone into hear when she was little. My husband was the one who picked her up when we bought her and he said he had seen the buck mount her.

So I'm 99% positive this goat is really pregnant but am having my doubts and would appreciate a second opinion!

I would never breed a goat this young but it is what it is and hopefully she's ok.

Oh and her udder started dropping the middle of may
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She has to be pregnant if she is started producing milk. Well if when she got picked up was the only time she was bred she will be due this month like mid august.. I'm pretty sure it is five months from breeding time until the time the kids are born. I have yet to breed my goats yet but I will be sometime after this month. I hope I'm right but wait for some true goat experts to comment.
she is 100% pregnant she looks like she has triplets or twins how long has she been getting fat it usaully takes 145 to155 days before they are born but it should only be about anther week to three before she give birth to tell just squeeze her niple if milk comes out then she's about to give birth
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Okay, now THAT is a preggo doe, no doubting it, not one bit. Some does will leave you wondering till the last minute but yours is without doubt ready to go. Just be patient and you'll have baby goaties before you know it ;)
Thanks for the validation! The guy at TSC was saying no way a doe this young could be pregnant(I was just telling him about it). She is only 8 months old. Way too young and I would never breed her this young on purpose. She just came this way! Saw little kid legs poking through her belly. My husband says if she's not prego then she has an alien in her!

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