What disease was this?


7 Years
Aug 4, 2012
Canada Amaranth
Hello, We had 30 meat chicks they where about a day or 2 old. One of the chicks wouldn't get up and was laying on it's side falling asleep. It would wake up if you picked it up, but it kept falling asleep. Do you know what disease that could have been??

Timber 10 yrs
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were they shipped?
what are you feeding them?
where are they living? temps? are they colder than 95? hotter than 100?
have you seen them eating and drinking?
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They where transported by a local hatchery to a feed mill. We where feeding them starter feed for chicks. There temp was probably in the middle they where not hot or cold they where just in the middle. That chick was not eating or drinking no madder how much we put it near the water and feed but the other chicks where eating and drinking fine.
It may have just been a case of failure to thrive. That happens sometimes. Also, sometimes you need to actually show the chick how to eat and drink. They just don't catch on unless you do. You need to dip their little beaks into the water and scratch around in the feed to get them interested. He may have just needed a boost from vitamins or sugar water to bring him back but, sometimes it is just nature.
Thank you so much!
My mom put them into the tub that they stayed in and maybe there where just too much. My mom maybe she didn't dip the beak in the water. It probably had no food and fell down like people, have you ever got that feeling when your so hungry you shake and it's almost like your going to pass out? Anyway, I'll tell my mom. Thanks so much!!!
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