Making an egg skelter ?


11 Years
Aug 18, 2011
Has anyone made one? Is there a pattern out there somewhere?

I want one but just can't seem to come off the $ for a fancy egg holder...
I'm just really cheap like that.
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How's it going?
Love to help because I'm cheap too (although I prefer "frugal"
). Unfortunately I have never heard of an egg skelter.
If I can figure out what one is and how to make it, I'd be happy to share!
Hey! How ya been?

Egg skelters are a gizmo that stores your eggs in order of when they were laid (or when they were collected, in my case). New eggs on the top, oldest eggs on the bottom. As you use the older eggs, they roll down the ramp and make room for the newer ones.

The wire style is what I'm looking for...

But here are some nice wooden ones that would be wonderful to have

(I would need more than one of these..)

(rolls to the middle, I suppose)

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Well, you learn something new every day! I like the wire ones too, very cool and artsy looking. Back in the day
my folks raised horses and we always had baling wire around to use for projects like that. No more horses now and the wire has been replaced by plastic twine, which I supposed we could kind of weave into an egg basket.

I'll show this to my boys and hubby and see if they can come up with construction ideas (that don't involve Legos!!!
). I don't imagine these are very popular now a days because folks don't leave their store bought eggs out. I still get raised eyebrows from family when they see eggs on the counter!

Hope you are well and not too cold!
Nope - not cold at all today. We're in the typical VA Fall = 40s yesterday, 50s today, 70s over the weekend and into the 30's next week.

I'm actually playing with some old coat hangers to see if I can make something usable. My big problem has been getting it stiff enough to hold the weight without doing so much wrapping that the eggs won't roll over the bumps....
Hi everyone, I'm the wife of Phil who invented them, in UK nearly five years ago! We have launched in USA, about two weeks ago, through mannapro ...try or
they're a lot harder to make than they look...... believe me.:)

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