Brooder in shed outside?

ChickenGirl 19

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 27, 2012
BC, Canada
We've been planning to get chicks this spring. We don't have an inside brooder, but we have a large shack/ coop/ building that is about 7x7 or so. Our spring temperatures vary every year. One year it's 30, another it's 15! That is, Celsius of course. If we had a heat lamp in there, would that make a suitable brooder in the spring? Should we section a bit off? We already have a few chickens. They live in a coop a few feet away. We're down there a lot anyway, and we have to be down in the morning and evening for the horses and chickens anyway. So, back on topic, would the shed work as a brooder?
It depends on how many chicks. 15-30 celcius, you only need small lamp like 40W or 60W if you have under 10 chicks. My chicks (70 of them) are a little over 2 weeks old and they are in a shed where outside temperature can get under 0 celcius with under 300w of small lamps.

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