Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

well at least she is producing milk. Nursing babies brings on contractions so good for her too but, wonder why the dead babies etc. Maybe an infection during her pregnancy ??? I'm glad I'm not whelping puppies anymore, I used to end up hysterical and crying at every one that was dying or dead.
I didn't lose any pups at whelp but my first litter was a trip to the vet after one delivered and nothing ending in a c-section and the last ending in a lengthy labor then a trip to the vet and pit shots and finally whelping all on a holiday weekend. The first pup I delivered and cleaned and did the shake down to clear its lungs - so that was a success.
despite a rough night and 2 hours of sleep, seeing my kids tonight has kept me motivated.

this morning we changed the tire on the wheelbarrow. its a home made job with a motor bike wheel. pictures to follow next week

then we cut pipe and welded the monkey bars. we had to modify a wall on the playhouse which cut into our day. but its installed and just needs concrete around the posts. I wish I was ¼ the age and weight.

the pigs are doing well.

Bernie got some sleep

Dodong is a definite keeper.
My dear OZ, Don't most of us wish for atleast 1 of these if not both? It's good to hear that Dodong is a definite keeper, here's to hoping his wife agrees.
Don't let the kids start running the bars this young.
Oz would love to see your kids faces when they open their presents. No young kids.nieces or nephews -here just adults who don't look excited about anything.
Wow I got photos to upload!!

A real pressure washer!!

and the pressure washer is in action

our 2 growers - 50lbs at 8 weeks

pig #1 is pregnant again after a successful AI by Bernie

A clean pig is a happy pig

Welcome Dodong

Her name is "Small" - the bigger one that is

The new egg house landing

Caprino' offspring

Bernie is all smiles



the wheelbarrow

not a care in the world
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