Gross, disgusting egg GRAPHIC PICTURES

Wise Woman

12 Years
Apr 12, 2011
My Cottage
I found this egg on the poop board this morning. It seems someone laid it while on the roost. I have never, ever seen anything like it before. It is large and rubbery. It is yellow and looks to have some blood on it. When I cut it open, there was a bunch of brown stuff inside and it smelled to high heaven. I am not sure I have ever smelled anything this nasty before. I have no idea who laid this as we have 20 chickens. They all seem to be fine. Nothing unusual. They all got done with a molt recently and are actually looking great. No one is acting sick or weird. Laying has been down as is normal for this time of year, but never in 12 years of chicken keeping have we seen anything like this. I hope it doesn't mean someone is going to pass away soon. We do have a few hens that are now about 7 years old, but the rest are under 2 years. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated as I am clueless at this time. Everyone seems to be eating fine and all came running to me this afternoon for a snack of green beans They are on their normal diet of lay crumbles, a little scratch for a treat and they have oyster shell and black oil sun flower seeds available as well as lots of fresh water. This was really gross and I hope I never find another one again. I don't even know what to call it in order to google it.

That is very bizarre. I have no idea sorry, but was curious also as to what it might be. I hope you don't find another one as I am sure it was quite disturbing (and smelly) to find.
Thanks for checking it out anyway. I would have liked to have gotten some better close ups of it cut open, but once I cut into it, the smell was so gross that I couldn't stand it and I wrapped it in plastic, put that in a bag and threw it in the outside trash. I too hope I never find anything like this. I am just worried that one of my hens may be ill and I don't know it.
I gotta say, that's a new one for me, too! Only thing I know is to just keep an eye on everyone and see how it goes. 7-8 is the oldest I've had hens before I rehomed them, but I know it's getting up there in years.

Maybe it's chicken menopause?
My eyes started watering when I looked at that.

It probably has something to do with the fact that your chickens just finished molting.

(Excuse me...)

I sure don't know if it is chicken menopause or what. I had a chicken live to be 11 and she never did anything like this. I checked everyone at bedtime when I locked up the coop and everyone seems just fine. It is all very strange and mysterious. Thanks for having a look.
Thanks mkcolls. The egg in the second link looks very similar to mine, but there was no liquid in mine. It was just sort of rubbery. I wonder why a chicken would lay such an egg and if it means there is something wrong with her? It was just so disgusting. Yuck.
Do you have a rooster? It could be a deformed egg that was stuck for a while that was fertilized? WEIRD
No roosters. Just 20 hens. I did try to do a little research on lash eggs, but I am not finding what they are or why a hen would lay one. Just some pictures that are sort of similar to what my hen laid. I just wish I knew who laid it. That is the biggest thing for me. I have no idea who to be watching as they all seem to be acting normally. I just hope it doesn't mean there is something horribly wrong with one of my chickens. I am hoping it is just a one of or maybe just the end of egg laying from one of my older gals. Thanks for looking anyway.

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