~In The Walls~ A Mouse RP CAT SPACES OPEN!

Mimbo was so suprsised she fell of the beam. She landed with what, to her, a loud *thud*. She gasped for breath, then got up and scurried away, hoping to not have wakened the cat.
As Squeaky got to the food the cat heard a small munch and woke up and with a swift paw the cat hit Squeaky as he was running away..Squeaky felt blood going down his body but he didnt stop...he went to hes small hole that he was slowly digging ad put down his food and dug in...
Yuki skidded to a stop on the hard cold floor, she climbed up onto a kitchen counter and sniffed around till she hilted to a stop at a big bag of sunflower seeds, the bag was turned sideways and seeds were gushing out of it she picked one up and nibbled on it enjoying the salty taste, she finished the seed and picked up another one
Squeaky heard a mouce screaming so she went out to see and found the cat eating some barnmice so she used that momment to run and get some more food and get a sip of water...just as she was going back with the food she smellt the best smell that she ever smellt coming from the farmers window...
(Chicken Crazy 1: ok)

Mimbi crept out into the open again. She stuffed five pieces of cat food in her mouth and took them into the hole neighboring Squeaky's hole. "Sqeakster?" She peered into the other mouses hole.
Squeaky got to the kitchen and started to nibble on the seeds...

Yuki skidded to a stop on the hard cold floor, she climbed up onto a kitchen counter and sniffed around till she hilted to a stop at a big bag of sunflower seeds, the bag was turned sideways and seeds were gushing out of it she picked one up and nibbled on it enjoying the salty taste, she finished the seed and picked up another one

(Same one?)

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