Fermented Feed Maintenance


10 Years
May 18, 2010
I am about two weeks into our fermented feed operation and I now have mold growing on the sides of my bucket. Not ON the feed or the surface of the water, but on the spilled mush on the insides of the bucket. How often do you rinse and start over? How do you prevent mold growth? It's optimal mold conditions here but I did have a "lid" loosely on the bucket. Do I need to dump my water and restart?
Haha I just meant that we started fermenting feed for the birds as a way to supplement their food and offer more nutrition. The birds LOVE it!

Fermenting feed essentially breaks up the grain and makes more of the nutrients available to the birds. The apple cider vinegar also provides probiotics for a strong GI system and helps boost immunity.

Right now I'm using two 5 gallon buckets stacked, with holes drilled in the top one. I put feed in there and filled it with water until it covered the feed (watch out, it expands a LOT) and added 1/4 cup raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and stirred it. 48 hours you have a ferment going :)
I'm having the same problem. I'm using nesting buckets, and the inside of the larger bucket and the outside of the inner bucket developed mold. I trashed it and will start over. I'm thinking I will need to change buckets every week or so.

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