I dunno, we used a plastic trash can for two years with no problems then one day you find something chewed through it...and as Murphy's law dictates it will be the night after you filled it with feed...

I suggest metal. I've done scoops but find it just as easy to pick up the bag out of the metal can and poor it into my feeder. Replace bag, replace metal lid and carry the container to where it's hung in the run. It works for me and I've a chew proof container now and a plastic container with a hole in it.
Hmmm... I just can't wrap my head around how a mouse could chew a hole in a plastic trash can. The bottom edges are all rounded. Our big street trash container is plastic and we have kept it up near the street for years behind a wooden gate. Tons of field mice and no holes. We have had mice chew through insulation to get into the barn and also chew through wiring (the barn is heavily fortified with bait blocks inside) I use plastic horse buckets here on the farm for all watering and feeding. My metal buckets have rusted through the bottom after just a few years of use.
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Oh, I never said it was a mouse or a rat. Though a large rat most certainly could. I didn't say what I think it was and that's a chipmunk. Had a colony starting to develop due to the extra easy feed around. Persuming they could curry fast enough to feeders before the chickens pecked them. I shot a many a chipmunk to cull but any squirel or rat or what have you will easily chew through.

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