Happy quail cages designs?


6 Years
Feb 2, 2013
Leesville, Louisiana
My Coop
My Coop
I just hatched 10 corturnix quail and I didn't originally plan to keep them but I'm in love! I have old rabbit hutches that can work as temporary housing, but I was wondering if there were any coop designs out there for making pet quail comfortable and happy? These birds will never be butchered and would need lifelong housing.
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you can,t beat a walk in aviary, you can sit in side and they scratch around your feet. they are a lot happier on ground and show more natural behavior.i use a organic mulch and replace it weekly. i use the soiled mulch on the garden.:)
I made my own cage a couple of weekends ago as I needed extras. I'm not a woodworker and I didn't find it difficult.

Finished cage - 3ft x 4ft x 1ft high

Above cage partitioned for introducing new birds - each side it 2ft x 3ft

I used thin strips of wood and plywood triangles at the corners. You make 3 frames the size you want them - my next cage will be 4ft x 4ft to match my bigger ones - and brace each corner with ply. One of them is a bit smaller and fits inside whichever frame will be on the top. Attach uprights to base, attach top frame to uprights, cover it all in mesh and then put a couple of hinges on for the top panel (which rests on the ply inside the top frame and fits down flush to the top).

You'll see that I've used plastic garden netting instead of wire mesh. I chose this because it is easier to cut and the birds won't hurt their heads if they headbonk.

I also put a strip of wood in the middle of the base. I was going to build a whole extra frame for a partition but I ran out of time so I use it to anchor a wire partition when I have to introduce or separate birds, and I remove the wire when I have a group in it.

All my other cages are a similar design and I find they work really well. I move them around the lawn about once a week.


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