How do you manage with a short run?


7 Years
Jan 6, 2013
Muskegon, Michigan
I won the battle with the shed, but not with the run. My dad has some posts for me to use. Sadly he talked to my SO before he talked to me. I do not think this is one I will win. The posts will make the run only 4 feet high after they are buried. Maybe 3 1/2 feet. I really wanted to be able to get into my run easier than that in case I had a crazy hen that laid eggs out there or I needed to clean something up. I suppose I could send a child after it, but for clean up I am not thinking so. My eldest is 5 1/2.

To those of you who have runs already, do you need to get in there a lot?

I do have access to the coop. And the coop will have a door for me to lead to the run.
My hens Started to lay in the actual hut instead of the nest box but we just put some fake rubber eggs in the nestbox qnd they learned where to lay them straight away so that wasnt a problem aslong as u can reach the hut it shudnt be a problem!
Our main coop and run are both walk-ins. We also built a chicken tractor that we use as grow-out housing. That has a very short run and my back isn't in the best of shape. What I did was design the run so it has a hinged roof that lifts up. I can step into the run over the side and stand up straight in there. I can also easily move around or reach down to pick up a chicken. It works really well. A little larger run could have more than one hinged panel.

There's a chicken sized door on the side, as well. I don't make them go out the top of the run.
My advice is to make do the best with the materials you have on hand. Meanwhile, keep your eye out for longer posts so you can upgrade later. I salvaged most of my stuff out of a Laundromat remodel - the contractor was happy for me to haul the old studs away.

To get over your run you could just have an old stepladder handy and set it over the fence. Just be sure to remove it or the chickens will be happy to use it after you leave!
landscaping timbers are under $3 apiece at lowes. i believe they are 8 ft long. They are what i iswd to fence in my yard for my dogs. i had them in the ground for 8yrs and they haven't shown any signs of rotting or needing to be replaced.
That would be true... except he talked to my SO first. So that is not really going to work for me since my SO agrees with him.
I'm not sure why that matters
He should agree with you, if he's your SO, and even if he doesn't, you can still get your own posts
It's pointless to use something that won't do what you want

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