Legs turned green!!!

I've had hens with legs of every shade and combination of shades under the sun, from all sorts of genetics, with all sorts of patterns, and not found it to correlate to eggshell color any more than any other trait. So I wouldn't think offhand that you'd have an issue there. But stranger things have happened... Best wishes anyway. ;)
I hope it doesn't! I went through heck and high water to get dark egg layers this spring and still didn't end up with the breed I'd hoped for. It would be a serious bummer if they didn't lay dark eggs. Still, they're a cute couple of girls regardless. They segregate themselves from the rest of the flock most times and roost separately too, both cuddled together. The roo keeps to the older ladies that he's found more compliant than the pullets when it comes to his awkward mating attempts. The pullets still scream and run from him, lol.

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