HELP WITH COPPER HEADS -Snake problems- what lime to use to burn them and other suggestions


11 Years
Oct 30, 2008
North Dallas
A family members dog bit by a copper head.
We have a 5 year old that had an entire play area in the same location
This area is under the foundation
We hired an exterminator they put out traps
caught many but yet to catch a copper head
they laid a repellent which they claim has king snake musk in it - I did not smell it - all I smelled was moth balls
they had said that it would smell like sulphur- Did not smell it
whoop eeeee NOT going to do the job I am sure
I want to put lime down into the area that I know is a den
I have heard that nothing really will deter them except mongoose musk or king snake musk
We have cleaned up the yard, we just moved here, it has had many problems just a night mare house BUT
We are treating mouse problem, spraying for bugs , keeping water sources down, eliminating all litter and brush piles
SO AFRAID THAT THEY are already infesting the area under the house, just like the mice and rats were when we moved here :( !
How can we get this lime into the place it needs to be under the house and be sure that we are using the right kind ?
We need to put some around our yards limits as well, can we just pour it out and water it in ? Of course we will use gloves and mask and be sure to cover all our skin ? :)
Please help :)
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I am no expert but we have copperheads and rattlesnakes in abundance here in southern Kentucky and deal with them all the time. I've seen 3 rattlesnakes in the last 3 weeks, one was in my barn, for example. You've done all the right things, cleaning up the area around your house so there's nothing for them to hide under and getting rid of all their food sources in and around your house.

I don't understand what you meant when you wrote:
"We have a 5 year old that had an entire play area in the same location
This area is under the foundation"

What does this mean, can you re-explain? Are you worried that the copperheads are under your house? How long ago was the dog bitten and was it after your cleaned up/removed all the food sources and hiding places? One bad thing about the exterminator killing all the non-poisonous snakes is that having a few non-poisonous snakes around is a good thing, as they will eat all the food and keep other snakes from the area because it doesn't have enough food available to support more. We have at least 2 black snakes that live under our house and we like them there for this reason. I know there are 2 because they got into the house on 2 separate occasions. We just put them back outside and closed off the hole we think they entered the house through.

Which brings me to another suggestion. I'm sure you did this but close off all the holes, crevices, etc. around and going under your house. It's super hard to get every hole because snakes can get through really tiny openings but it can't hurt.

In terms of lime, I've never heard of this but I have heard sulfur works. If I was to use either, I'd probably spread a line of it around the foundation of my house (if I think they live under there) and a line of it around a perimeter of the yard. Try to research on the web what others have done that worked/didnt' work with lime and sulfur. I'm sure others have tried this and you'll find something useful.

Good luck to you and your family,

P.S. Did the dog die from the copperhead bite?
My sons play area was in the area close to the foundation holes, where we discovered the snake.And the dog got bit. after close inspection there is a hole that goes all the way in and the soil has fallen away from the foundation here too.
there is a large hole and many small ones accessing the underneath of the house and lots of access there in the area the snake bit the dog.
I am freeked out, very very big phobia about snakes.
I have tried to find holes coming into the house but this house has so many... I keep looking and looking
THAT IS MY HUGE FEAR :) especially when it starts getting really hot :(
Just beside myself, we would move in a heart beat if we could afford it.
GREAT advice on the other snakes, will remember that. Just want rid of those copperheads and the possible cotton mouths ?
We live very close to a pond and the exteriminator found a huge water snake under our propane tank :(
We have these old gas registers in the bath room and I am not quite sure how they are constructed, I know that they should be removed because they are one of the many code violations at this house, but I am so afraid that it will open more access for them ;(
Also we have this alluminum siding that is not attached really at the bottom on the back of the house and I see the little lizards dart up there all the time , so I know the snakes could as well ....
Thank you so very much for your responce any support is greatly appreciated Guppy TJ !!!!
oh the dog is good, its face and neck did get quite swollen up and my brother in law spent quite a bit of time at the vet and money ;( But she is doing good
I am trying to make the chicken coop snake proof as well, there are areas where it is just chicken wire and I really hate to have them, the chicks or eggs accessed by any snake. At our old house we had rat snakes but were able to take care of that ....
I would like to make there floor concrete too but not sure if I should .... Also with all of the chemicals we have been using for bugs and rats and mice and snakes, I have had to have them cooped up , typically they are free range. How long before a chemical like Seven is not toxic to the chickens who peck at the soil and the bugs in it ? We had ticks, fleas and chiggers REALLY BAD in our lawns and our dogs, for the first time ever had to pay hell for it.
Honestly, if you guys are having to do pest control on bugs, rats,mice and snakes, you either need to realize that you live in an area with lots of creatures and find better, non-toxic ways of dealing with them, or realize the fact that the reason you find snakes is because you DO have rodents around and the snakes are coming to eat them. 99% of the snakes you are finding(especially since you have not yet caught a Copperhead, obviously there aren't tons around)are COMPLETELY HARMLESS to you and your family. The fewer snakes you have, the MORE rodents you will find, and they will spread disease and cause problems that the snakes cannot.You live in an ecosystem, not a place where you can come in, sterilize it of all life forms, and carry on with your life as though they never existed.
Have not heard about the lime or the sulfur, but I know moth balls don't work on snakes. The best way I have found to rid yourself of snakes, get rid of their food source. Do you have a cat? Cats are good ratters and snake killers. Your cleaning up will help. Can you put rat poison out? Again, get rid of the snake food source and likely the snakes will leave. Good luck and have a happy chicky day.
A family members dog bit by a copper head.
We have a 5 year old that had an entire play area in the same location
This area is under the foundation
We hired an exterminator they put out traps
caught many but yet to catch a copper head
they laid a repellent which they claim has king snake musk in it - I did not smell it - all I smelled was moth balls
they had said that it would smell like sulphur- Did not smell it
whoop eeeee NOT going to do the job I am sure
I want to put lime down into the area that I know is a den
I have heard that nothing really will deter them except mongoose musk or king snake musk
We have cleaned up the yard, we just moved here, it has had many problems just a night mare house BUT
We are treating mouse problem, spraying for bugs , keeping water sources down, eliminating all litter and brush piles
SO AFRAID THAT THEY are already infesting the area under the house, just like the mice and rats were when we moved here :( !
How can we get this lime into the place it needs to be under the house and be sure that we are using the right kind ?
We need to put some around our yards limits as well, can we just pour it out and water it in ? Of course we will use gloves and mask and be sure to cover all our skin ? :)
Please help :)
I hope no offense is taken, but a little education is needed here:

1. There is no known repellent to deter snakes. None. At all. Period.
2. Snakes do not 'den'....they are solitary creatures moving about constantly.
3. Snakes can not 'infest' an such thing. They are solitary creatures and do not travel together. They occasionally follow a food source which could be your property.
4. The snakes ARE the treatment for your mouse problem.
5. Ecology is taking place at your home. If you're wanting to kill every living thing in the area, you'll lose that fight.
6. Save money on the lime. Waste of time.....
7. You mention in another post so much about fear. It sounds like that's what this is about. Be concerned for your children and family. But don't let it trap you. If the creatures are freaking you out so much, even though it may be hard, a move may be in order.....

Good luck!
Lime is good for your chicken pen. Not the lime that you put on your grass to green it up. Get the other lime from a feed store and that lime will not do anything for cooper heads. I had heard about the mothballs and those are good for squirrels. If you put lime down don't water it that will only wash it away. I put lime in my pen for odors and flies although I haven't had any snakes and I also live in Texas close to Houston. We find snakes in our pool though. I wouldn't let my kids outside without me at any given time until the problem is in a controlled situation. A cat or a couple of cats sounds like your best solution. Go to the spca and adopt a couple. People will sell you stuff like snake a way. Don't waste your money. Good luck. I don't like snakes myself but there are good snakes to have around. Copperheads or rattlesnakes aren't the ones to have.

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