What breed are my chickens


6 Years
Mar 12, 2013
I have six chickens. They are very small, so I believe they are bantam, but I don't know what breed. I have a pic of each of them as a chick and one of them now (mostly full grown).

This is Christine as a chick and now. She has feathers on her feet, and a weird section of feathers coming off the back of her knee (it almost looks like a wingtip growing from her knee). She is a creamy white color with hints of a purple sheen (kind of a soap bubble effect).

This is Eli. She also has feathers on legs and feet. She is reddish and has a rounded tail section.

This is Hedwig. He has red, grey, and white feathers. The feathers on his neck are very thin compared to the others on his body.

This is Irene. Her feathers are varying degrees of grey.

This is Lucifer. He is solid black except for that white spot at his ears.

This is Phantom. His feathers are black with golden tips (outlined in black).

I'll try to answer any questions you might have. I'd love to know what kind of chickens these are.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Hedwig is definitely an Ameracuana (sp?)

Phantom is a Gold seabrite hen from what I can tell.

Eli may is a red cochin.

The Top on may be a creamy colored cochin or an EE - easter egger but that doesn't explain the tail and leg feathers either way.

I forget what Irene is but I have one... what ever it is lol.

And IDK about Lucifer.

Hope this helps!
1 white cochin female
2 red cochin female
3 EE male color pattern says EE not aracauna
4 sorry don't know
5 lucifer interesting name the name of the fallen angel aka satan lol and she is a female old English game
6 is also not a male and she is a golden seabright bantam
Thanks! It looks like the only ones still in question are #1 (Christine) and #4 (Irene).

I wondered if #1 might be a Porcelain Belgian D'Uccle. The seem to have the weird feathers on the hock and the feathers on the outer sides only of the legs and feet.

I'll try to post some more pics of those two girls tomorrow. Maybe that will help.
Keep in mind I have a bad connection and can't enlarge pics....

Christine may be a porcelain d'uccle, or some other variation.
Christine is a red cochin
Hedwig is an easter egger rooster. Those thin feathers are hackle feathers, only males have them. Same for the long thin feathers in front of his tail.
Does Irene have a beard or muffs? She may be another easter egger, other than that I'm not sure. She's a pretty color, though.
Lucifer looks to be a pullet, with that white earlobe maybe a Dutch bantam?? Not really a bantam person, sorry.
Phantom looks to be a golden sebright pullet.
I think Lucifer might be a bantam Minorca. Pretty birds no matter what breed they are
I have six chickens. They are very small, so I believe they are bantam, but I don't know what breed. I have a pic of each of them as a chick and one of them now (mostly full grown).

This is Christine as a chick and now. She has feathers on her feet, and a weird section of feathers coming off the back of her knee (it almost looks like a wingtip growing from her knee). She is a creamy white color with hints of a purple sheen (kind of a soap bubble effect). Porcelain D'uccle Pullet ....the weird feathers are called vulture hocks

This is Eli. She also has feathers on legs and feet. She is reddish and has a rounded tail section. Red Cochin Pullet

This is Hedwig. He has red, grey, and white feathers. The feathers on his neck are very thin compared to the others on his body. Cockerel EE (easter egger)

This is Irene. Her feathers are varying degrees of grey. EE pullet

This is Lucifer. He is solid black except for that white spot at his ears. Black OEGB Pullet

This is Phantom. His feathers are black with golden tips (outlined in black).

I'll try to answer any questions you might have. I'd love to know what kind of chickens these are.

Thanks in advance for your help. Golden sebright (not sure on gender)


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