Crooked neck


6 Years
May 8, 2013
I have a nearly nine week old Hamburg that looked at first to have something swollen in its neck. So I caught it, and lo and behold, only a bony curve to its neck. No bulging crop, nothing. Just bone. The bone doesn't seem centered at all. Any thoughts? I have photos on my iPad, but I will have to figure out how to add them from here. Might be a few minutes.



It is running around, and away, like normal, except it looks ridiculous.
There are a few things that it could be, either crook neck or a mineral deficiency. Crook neck will keep getting worse and there is really nothing you can do about it. A mineral deficiency can make the head turn and neck turn to where it can't keep it's head straight. Was there any injuries that could've happened to it? If you figure out how to the download pictures it would help.
I added pictures. There a plenty of ways it COULD have gotten injured, sure. Their pen is right outside the goat pasture, and we opened up the pen to let them start ranging around. We have three goats; two Nubian doelings and a full grown Nubian doe. We have to wade out through a sea of baby chicks to get our milker from the pasture to the milking stand up in our garage. They mob us, thinking they are getting food.
We had some goats that trampled one of our ducks :(. Is it getting worse or staying the same? Can it eat and drink ok
I just noticed it an hour or so ago. It is running around like the rest of the chicks and doing its best not to be caught by us. So behaving pretty normal. Just looks pathetic.
I had a silkie hen that was mineral deficient and her head was tilted so she couldn't keep it straight so I have her mineral supplement and she went back to normal. But it does sound more like an injury, I would keep an eye on it if I were you just to make sure she is not gettin worse.

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