Hen hatching eggs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 24, 2012
So I have a silver laced wyndotte hatching her first eggs, and also my first experience in hatching eggs. Yesterday was the due date, i found a dead chick on the ground 20mtrs away from mother and nest. cannot find egg shell in nest, what could have happened ie hen attacked/kicked out chick, a predator bird got it? Any tips for success in letting hens do the job instead of incubating?

No she hide in under a very bushy cherry tomato bush you have to look hard to know she is there. We do have 3 10 week old chooks running free in the yard, would they have done it?
Maybe, usually people separate their broody hens from the flock to prevent this from happening, the hen could have seen the chick and gotten creeped out so she attacked it.
Some good news, she has a new little healthy chick under her today and she is being such a great mother, so not sure what happened with the other one.
I am so excited, i hope the other couple hatch soon.

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