Possible Guinea Eggs in "Quail" Batch?

Getting tons of eggs right now, since the restock chicks I got last spring are going full tilt. Wishing I got more Australorps though, since this year the feed store got sick of people not picking up their orders so they just get a batch in, first come first served. They aren`t getting any Australorps, so I`ll just have to appreciate the two I have, unless I can talk them into getting them as one of the batches when I next need to restock. But really shouldn`t need to think of that for a good long time.

Is everyone in the Northern Hemisphere enjoying their Spring yet?
Hi chirp. It is time for babies isn't it, even in the bitter north!

I plan on hatching soon but in the meantime I have goslings being shipped out tomorrow!!
Hi chirp. It is time for babies isn't it, even in the bitter north!

I plan on hatching soon but in the meantime I have goslings being shipped out tomorrow!!
You mean you`re sending them out or they`re being sent to you? (Guessing from the happy dance they`re coming to you.) What are they?
Oooooh, I`m loving that I can actually POST now!

Had to start separating the two male Rouens from the two female Indian Runners the other day. Was hoping the boys were getting old enough to not be so persistent, but not happening. As soon as the girls started laying again with some regularity they started up wanting to breed every other minute. It`s only a little annoying and takes a couple of extra minutes to put the wire section across to keep them apart, but sometimes those extra minutes really add up on a work morning. Maybe next year. Or I could just not lock them up at night and let the raccoons/possums/foxes/whoever take care of them for me, but they were my bad babies once so can`t do that to them.

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