pullet has trouble pooping


6 Years
Oct 15, 2013
mukilteo, wa
I have a 6 month old light Sussex. She has a major problem pooping, she squats all the way down, pushes and makes a noise. He butt is also very gross looking. The times I have seen her she has nice solid poops. I did worm my whole flock about a month back. Any ideas? I can post a pic of her behind tomorrow.
could she be egg bound?  has she started laying yet?  some hens will drop eggs anywhere when they first begin to lay.


I don't think she has layed yet. Although she should be. She should lay a pink egg so I would have noticed it. She has been this way for months so I don't think it is an egg bound problem, if it was she would have died by now right?


I happened to actively catch her pooping this morning. White stuff dripped out first then this very solid poop.

I happened to actively catch her pooping this morning. White stuff dripped out first then this very solid poop.
white = urine, other stuff poop. is she drinking well? might consider making a gruel of food and water to increase moisture content in stool if you think it is too firm, but i'm not sure i would be too concerned, since the butt feathers look like she has also had loose stool.

Any ideas what might be causing this? Will she just forever have poopy butt?
could be any number of things. what wormer did you use? did you do it only once, or several weeks in a row? what kind of feed? what else to they eat? where is she in the pecking order?

a bath might help you keep better track of it.

I used ivomec eprinex pour on. I treated twice a week apart. I have always fed nutrena nature wise. They get some scratch and fruits and veggies. I give them Greek yogurt sometimes. She used to not eat it but now does. She seems to be higher up in the pecking order, I have seen her pick on on other but not really be picked on.

I was thinking of doing a bath, what would be the best way. Would putting her under a heat lamp be enough to keep her warm?
I used ivomec eprinex pour on. I treated twice a week apart. I have always fed nutrena nature wise. They get some scratch and fruits and veggies. I give them Greek yogurt sometimes. She used to not eat it but now does. She seems to be higher up in the pecking order, I have seen her pick on on other but not really be picked on.

I was thinking of doing a bath, what would be the best way. Would putting her under a heat lamp be enough to keep her warm?
We use a hair drier, was thinking stress, but I guess not. Can I be one of your chickens?


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