My hen started to crow! Is there something wrong?


7 Years
Jul 14, 2012
Yakima Washington
I went outside this morning and found one of my hens standing in the middle of the yard. When I went up to her she started crowing! I have had roosters before about a year ago and know that my hen sounded just like the rooster. She hasn't stopped crowing for about an hour now, it's off and on but she is crowing. I also know the hen is not a rooster because she has layed eggs for a year and a half now, and one today. Is there something wrong with her or it that just something that a hen can do as well?
I'll tell you my experience. The day after I culled my last mature rooster, my oldest hen crowed. I was gob-smacked! It does happen & is nothing to worry about. You'll find in any given flock, one bird stands apart as the leader. Usually a rooster, but can be a hen when a rooster isn't available. My hen only crowed twice that day & never crowed after that. Yours may stop later.
Good! I was very amazed when I walked out. That and I think she got mad and started crowing even more because I was out the fence and she couldn't get to me, so that didn't help her. Well, I guess it's a new thing I can always remember!

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