Rat poison??

I posed this same question a while back and was reminded that a larger animal cannot get a lethal dose of poison from eating a smaller animal, because the smaller animal can only eat so much before dying. A cat, dog or chicken would be highly unlikely to die from eating a (single) poisoned mouse or rat. The varmint is simply not carrying enough poison to do that much damage.
Rats are known carriers of fowl cholera. That would be more likely than rat bait. if you cut the bird open, you can see the effects of it. You'll find hemmorhages in the lungs, in the fatty tissues covering the heart, , and the liver will be enlarged and look "cooked' with small white and gray spots. Yellow pieces of yolk material may be found in the abdominal cavity. Kathy is right. If you don't want to necropsy the bird yourself, have a lab do it. Lots of people expect to see swelling with fowl cholera and that isn't always the case. Birds can seem healthy and active one day, and dead the next.

Here's some info about cholera: http://www.avianweb.com/fowlcholera.html

and more: http://www.thepoultrysite.com/diseaseinfo/61/fowl-cholera-pasteurellosis
I use Motomco Rampage bait chunks in locking box traps. they can't spread it around like pellets and does a good job killing them quick. It doesn't have a secondary kill factor if that is a concern in the future.
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I cant get the rats here to take the poison pellets for what ever reason maybe it is the heat and it gives off an
order of some kind this I do not know but I do not like the poison laying around but at times it needs to be out
for the little critters and cats here are a problem and chasing mice and rats I believe the bobcats eat the week
ones and chase the fast ones ..........

Do you have a cat? I have never had a rodent problem,thanks to my boys. I have four cats,but it is my two huge males that keep all rodents away(and other cats)good boys!
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Best rat poison I have found is called "JUST ONE BITE". It is a round cube with a hole in the middle. If needed you can tie it WITH A SMALL WIRE up and away where rats and mice run. It really works. Have a neucropsy done ~ it may be Mareks.

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