Can you actually "de-crow" a rooster?

First thing about roosters is that they all have different personalities. Some are extremely aggressive towards people and other birds, while others are sweet and cuddly. 1 big plus about roosters is they keep you up to date about the status of the hens; our guys have reminded me many times that I didn't lock all the doors or I missed a hen, one time a rooster came running for me when a chick was pecked up badly, he probably stopped the pecking first, and then showed me where the mama and 2 babies were hiding out. I never would have found them otherwise. Also, roosters let hens dine first. My 2 guys (nowadays-grandpa rooster was Mean!) are cuddly but loud.

Until very recently.

We are not allowed to have roosters where I live and after 3 years of probably too little sleep, one neighbor called the police on us. Having raised broods before, I already know the heartbreak of trying to find homes for boys. I couldn't abandon these guys or have them slaughtered. They are part of the flock and good Daddies besides. So, I just had them de crowed yesterday. They are home today and clearly in pain. I was relieved they survived so far. Since the choice was this or certain death, I chose this.

I was worried they would have no voice but so far, the younger rooster has managed to give the warning call when our cat walked by. It seems they should be able to make "small talk" just not the big loud cockadoodle. I'm glad they made it back home. I believe if they themselves could make the choice, they would have chosen to be able to stay with their families.
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