need 6' tall, large run w slanted roof design


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 14, 2014
Utah, but from Georgia
We have very little building experience. We have a coop with no run. Id like to put the coop in the middle of a tall, free standing run. Want it six feet tall with door for us. Chickens will be closed in coop at night, but need run to have owl/hawk protection which should include hardware cloth roof. Ground predators are dogs and raccoons. Do I need a skirt for daytime protection? Want to use sand as flooring. Any special base needed for that? Would like it to be a 8ft square. Any help given would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, we get snow so Id like half of the top of the run be a pitched roof.
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Quick and easy, relatively inexpensive are either cattle panels bent into a hoop (snow sturdy) or a roll of remesh cut into 10 or 20' lengths and bent into hoops (not as snow sturdy).

You could use a dog kennel, check craigslist they are usually pretty cheap, it's easy enough to put a pitched roof on, 6' tall and strong.
You could use a dog pen and use cattle panels for a roof covered by smaller wire and a tarp. I would use deep litter instead of sand. Also put hardware cloth around the bottom of the dogpen to keep coons from reaching in and getting birds. It will also keep the birds from sticking their heads out of the dogpen and something breaking their necks. If you don't have a guard dog to keep predators ran off you might want to put a wire skirt on the ground outside the dogpen to keep predators from digging in. Electric fence is another great option.
No foundation the kennel has been there for a long time, I put wire on the entire floor made a frame with 2x6 to hold the sand in and put landscape fabric down so the sand doesnt disapear before I added the sand, after the roof was on I used welded wire to secure the ends and sides I ran wire 3 feet up the sides all around to keep heads in and paws out.
Dog Kennels work great for non movable

PVC box with garden stakes, zip ties and hardware cloth work if you want to move it every couple days.

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