Should I assist emu hatch? FAST RESPONSE PLEASE


8 Years
Jan 12, 2014
Two of my eggs internally piped Saturday the 15th and there has been no external pip. Tomorrow night is the 72 hour mark. Should I make a tiny hole so they don't run out of air? What do I do?
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Sorry, I don't have emus (yet) but I intend to get some sometime in future so happen to have collected some links on the subject. Best wishes with your hatching.
thanks very much
The chick pipped on the small end AND on the bottom of they egg. I hoped since she pipped on her own she could hatch on her on her own but she inhaled some liquid in the egg and couldn't breath. I assisted her hatch and got the junk out of her air sacs. Her navel was bloody and rough but the yolk was absorbed. I used styptic pow and beta dine. She was shivering a lot (even though she was in a 100 degree brooder) but that has calmed down, I am remaining hopeful.
Hi, I have raised a lot of emus and ostrich and still raise ostriches, over 27 years with birds. As a general rule it never works out to help a chicks out. If a chick cannot hatch its self, there is going to be a reason, weak chick ect.. Someone who experienced with hatching can help sometimes. Good luck
I've seen it time and again with many different kinds of animals. The runt, the one that can't stand on its own to drink milk soon after birth, etc. rarely makes it. And, the mother usually knows something is wrong with her baby before you do and seems to not get too invested in it.

I still can't help myself from trying to increase its chances though, so I'd proably be one of those that tries to help a chick hatch and nurse it.
I've seen it time and again with many different kinds of animals. The runt, the one that can't stand on its own to drink milk soon after birth, etc. rarely makes it. And, the mother usually knows something is wrong with her baby before you do and seems to not get too invested in it.

I still can't help myself from trying to increase its chances though, so I'd proably be one of those that tries to help a chick hatch and nurse it.
Oh I know exactly what you mean, and you know you shouldn't but you can't stand not doing something.... I ended up getting crushed by a failure to thrive ,runt of triplets lamb, that was never well and never ate well and was always thin and sickly and I kept her alive til she was 4 and when I lost her it was horrible....but then you go and help again.....

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