How many days after the first chick hatches, should I wait for the others to hatch?


5 Years
Mar 14, 2014
California (high desert)
I'm going all natural, in that I let my Silkie hen incubate her eggs... 17 of them to be exact! Three days ago the first few hatched and 1-3 everyday since then. My question is, how long do I wait to let the others to hatch before it's time to toss them out. I obviously don't want to toss perfectly good chicks, but I also don't want her to still incubate bunk eggies. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I appreciate your speedy response! Alright, I suppose it's not hurting anything for her to sit there. She's eating and drinking everyday and that was my biggest concern with her being so broody. I know that 17 is a huge clutch to try and incubate, but I was just curious to see. Probably won't let that happen again. So you're saying there's still a chance that they'll hatch, huh? I hope!
when they start to hatch remove the new hatchlings to a brooder box until all the eggs have hatched. otherwise the hen will leave the nest to look for food for the hatched chicks. don't worry they will still bond when you put them back. some times I will slip other eggs under the broody and make sure the chicks have had their first water and food before going back under.
See, I thought that moving them was a good idea! I was afraid of all the other chickens pecking at them! I have two- 2month old Brahma's that I suspected from early on. They're just soo curious and they'd even kick my Silkie hen out of her own brooding box! So I brought all of her chicks inside. I read that It's a good idea for the first 2-4 weeks, what do you think? Also, I'm really glad to hear that they will still bond well with Genie (their mama)
I had a momma hen take chicks 2 weeks old- but it depends more on the mom than the babies- once I had just one baby in Jan. he had mirrors and stuffed animals during the day and I brought in a mom at night. put them in a box with a towel. when he was ready for the coop and a heat lamp they got along well.
I see. Well, I have the idea that Genie will be a great mama, being as she's taken the two young brahmas in happily. She's also very broody and I can even slip my mixed breed eggs in under here and she'll take care of them happily. :) I love her so much! I know it may seem weird cause she's a chicken, but her personality is so gracious and gentle.

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