Hello There!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 19, 2014
Fremont, Michigan
I found this website last night (during a sleepless bout that started around midnight). I spent the entire night reading the various threads and posts. Wow! I looked up at the clock and it was 6:00Am! Tons of great info!
I am a beginning farmer (small, very small), in Michigan. We got our property in October and rushed to set it up for our 3 horses before the winter. A true adventure...
We just purchased a few ducklings last week, and are awaiting the arrival of our chicks next week. So, the timing of finding this online community is just priceless :)
Thank you for the wealth of info.

I posted a thread regarding finding some Poulet de Bresse breeders in Michigan or nearby. I might have posted in the wrong thread, but I will learn soon.
Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.


Our new arrival...
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! What cute ducklings! Good luck with the chicks when you get them. Yes, this place is horribly addictive, just so much to read, and so many breeds you wind up wanting... You could also try posting in the MI etc state thread in case someone local has Bresse https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/697050/michigan-thread-all-are-welcome and there is also a breed thread on them https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/173461/bresse-chickens when you have 20 posts you could also put up a Want ad in the Buy-Sell-Trade section

Congrats on the new babies. They are adorable!

It is great to have you aboard and enjoy BYC!

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