Superworm Farming - Information, Tutorials and Questions

How funny.  I saw this thread and just had to look.  I am a real annelid farmer - real worms not "superworms".  But my chickens think my worms are quite "Super for Supper". Whenever I am harvesting the birds all come around my barn windows, giving me the eye - just in case I have an extra few for them. I actually used the worm treat to train my Turkeys to come home - they tend to wander much more than the chicks. Blessings!
I'd love to culture real worms for the chickens! I'm just so afraid I'd forget about them or otherwise mess it up!
Hello everyone, It has been a while since anyone has posted. I still have lots of Superworms left from my original 2,000 juveniles I bought. I do have some adults in bead trays and currently have a few pupae. I must have hatched a couple of beetles without trying when they had lots of room to themselves. Since then, I hatched 1 beetle in the bead tray. I am still determined to make this work.

My mealworms are thriving. I have sold a few 'lots' of mealworms in my friend's pet store. I can bring them to her whenever I have extra. For the most part, I grow the worms for our chickens.

How is everyone else doing?
I am still raising both mealworms and superworms. Last summer i built a wooden shelf that holds 16 Sterilte containers (I think they are around 16 x 24).

My chickens mostly eat Superworms now because we sell a lot of mealworms. This is working out just fine for me because the chickens love them just as much as mealworms and they grow much bigger than mealworms. They are big enough the chickens can have a tug of war with the last few they find. So, it seems like I am getting more worm mass out of one bin of Superworms than I do from a bin of mealworms.

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