Please help with my 2 week old emu

I have read most of the threads here regarding emus and watched practically every video I can get my hand on. :)

My little one has grown so strong, she seems so happy...she has grown tall, and is no longer 'scrawny' like she was when she arrived...she exercises her neck muscles all the time playing 'tug the kale' with me. For a 'pet' bird I would say she is lovely and well adjusted.

I am just so darn sad about her leg. Her right leg is turning out, she is limping badly now and falls to the ground when she is really excited. It is such a shame because she is so happy and sweet. Seeing her fall now and again, or trip on her leg breaks my heart.

I have read that there isn't anything to be done about it. Sad truth I guess. The poor little thing has come so far though and will live her life however long or short with a family that adores her.
Try a set of hobbles, what have you got to lose, get a roll of vet wrap, make little bracelets with strips of non stick gauze pads and go over with the vet wrap. make it tight enough so the legs have about 2 inches between them. make her run all over with them on. I don't know if it will work but its worth a try, I did it to mine when he was about a week old because I didn't like the way his leg looked, and I got the idea on this forum along with extra vitamins.I made my bird wear them for a couple of weeks, checking all the time that it didn't cut off the circulation to his feet and running him all over the place. I don't know if he was on his way to being splayed, but it looked like to me at the time, he's my 2 year old best bud now. Give it a try.

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