Help Please Got these Roosters and so confused on a few levels?


5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
I've only had one rooster and he died of old age. Today my Mom went and picked these Roo's up from a lady moving. I have no idea for sure the breeds. She said they were pure breeds from hatcheries. I am concerned for the combs on these birds? Any info from you smart peeps over here would be grateful. Also the red roo seems to have a hurt foot. I wish I would have been there for the pick up, would have asked a million questions. On the phone the lady seemed super knowledgeable. Please what breed are they and what is with the scab beat up looking combs and the foot? THX THX THX! HELP!


Be sure you quarantine these birds away from your own birds to be sure they don't have anything contagious. The combs could be injuries or frost bite (they actually all look like they have healing frost bite on combs and wattles), but they could also have something like Fowl Pox going on at the same time. Give them a really good going over and check for mites/lice etc, you may also want to go ahead and worm them. And look at the lame ones leg, he could have bumble foot or leg mites etc also.
Birds 1 & 3 are Splash (Blue) Laced Red Wyandottes, the other two look like Rhode Island Red / Production Reds.
I agree, both with your breed guesses and your frostbite diagnosis. Frostbite looks bad, but it looks better in the summertime
Thank you for the replays. I was told Rhode Island Red and Easter Egger. I called the lady whom they came from and she said..there were a lot of roosters in one pin, while she was waiting to get them homes. She said they were fighting each other where the comb injuries came from. She also said give the red some time to let the leg hopefully heal probably sprained from her catching him. She said if it doesn't get better put in the stew pot. She said she has never had any illness on her property and has been lucky. My Mom put them in the coop that the month old chicks are supposed to be in soon:( ugrh. I hope they are not carrying anything, because they are in the coop next to the laying hens. How do I disinfect the coop before the little ones goes in? You know when I move the babies in there and the rooster to the chicken tractor where the baby chicks are at. I am so frustrated as I am not there to help. I wish I would have just ordered the roosters from a hatchery! I really wanted a real Red and Egger! She said both those roosters came from straight run of Rhode Island Red and Easter Egger. COULD THE OTHER BE AN EASTER EGGER? She said I could put Neosporin on their combs if I wanted to.
I called the lady and she said there were roosters fighting each other in a pin. She is downsizing and moving. Anyhoot she said to give the red time to let it's leg heal or put in the stew pot. She said that must have happened while she was trying to get him out. My Mom said it was hectic her getting those two out and loaded up. Said she took them by the legs. Also she said both of them came from straight runs of Rhode Island Red and Easter Eggers. I am so confused and now worried as all heck. My Mom put them in the coop the 7 week old baby chicks are supposed to go in soon. How do I disinfect that coop ground area for the new birds. Those roosters will be moved to another area,, but omg they are in the coop next to the laying hens. The lady told me she has been lucky and never had sickness of any sort on her property. She said those injuries were from fighting. Is there anyways that they are Easter Eggers and Rhode Island Red? I really believe this woman was honest with me and has been a farmer for years. I really wish I would have just ordered straight from the hatchery. The feed store has no roosters. There are 4 pics but are only two breeds.
Looking at the (Blue) Laced Red Wyandottes pictures online. :( So sick of people lying to me ! Last year I had a guy lie and sell me fertile eggs of the wrong breed :( I wish my roo never died, always hatched my own babies and non of this bs!
I'm sorry you're having such terrible luck with people lying to you. It does look like you have a hatchery-quality Rhode Island Red and a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. You might have been better off getting birds from a hatchery, but I suspect that any Rhode Island Red you would have purchased from a hatchery would look and contain similar genetics to your new rooster.

As for disinfecting the coop before moving birds around, there are several things you can use. Some people make a weak bleach solution, which works well, or you can use vinegar. I also use a product called Oxine, which is a strong, but harmless disinfectant. Just spray down the coop the best you can, let it dry, and then put in some fresh bedding. It might also be a good idea to dust/spray the coop for mites just to make sure there aren't any parasites lying around.
Thank you so much for the help. The Rhode Island red was keeping his one foot up and now is doing it with the other foot. Is it possible that he is acting weird to keep the other rooster from attacking him? I had my Mom check his feet and doesn't look infected. I am so confused by his behavior and my Mom wants to keep him. Any idea why he is walking on one foot them both foot and then switching to hanging the other foot up?????? Is that a sign of anything bad? Thx so much.

Also I would have ordered from the hatchery. BUT.. My first order they sent the chicks out in a blizzard weather, they got sick and died with antibiotics it was so devastating. First ever hatchery order and then the feed store got pullets and my husband got me the girls. We were still out the Roosters. So you have to order min of 25 and now it is 15 at Murray. Trying to get some people together to go in on an order with me at Murray as I hear good things about them. Trying not to get to chicken math crazy lol I really want some Welsummer and friend needs a Roo from that breed. Mom needs her Roosters and I would like Turken Chicken. A neighbor and friend have Easter Eggers eggs and might just throw in the incubator. So you think that is a pure breed Rhode Island Red and not Production red? I want to use him to make sexlinks if he is okay and all that. My Mom said he is friendly. Anyhoot thx again!
With the RIR with the sore foot. He could have something strained or hurt from when he was caught like you said, time should take care of that hopefully. Double check for bumblefoot, that often causes them to do that even if it is not swelled up yet here is a long thread with some pictures, you are basically looking a black scab like spot on the bottom of the foot.

If you are looking for more roosters, post on your state thread (not sure what state you are in, this is the main thread with links to most of the state ones) Roosters are usually not in short supply and people are happy to find them good homes.
Also check the BYC Buy-Sell-Trade forum, for the Animals In Need Of Rehoming and the actual Sale threads

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