Starting from scratch after losing entire flock

Buxton Ducks

10 Years
Jan 16, 2012
Buxton, Maine
I am very excited this spring! I am starting with a new flock of chickens! I lost my whole flock last year when I introduced an adult without quarantine..... BAD BAD BAD IDEA. Coryza spread and killed all but 2. Those 2 are living elsewhere (not here, and with no other birds) and I thoroughly disinfected the coop run area a month ago. So here is the new crew: 4 cuckoo maran hens, 7 EE hens, 1 black sex link hen, 1 Delaware hen, 1 RIR hen, 2 speckled sussex hens, 1 Silver laced wyandotte hen, 1 barred rock hen, 1 barred rock roo, 1 buff orpington roo, 1 buff hen, 2 buff laced polish, 1 golden polish. I intend to keep them for their whole lives so I wanted a motley crew! I am posting this as a lesson to all: NEVER introduce an adult bird without quarantine! I am like a proud daddy with my new chicks though!


It is basically the common cold for chickens but can be deadly very quickly. I had one sneeze and within 2 days I had lost 10 birds. Symptoms are puffy eyes, sneezing, odor and discharge, lethargy.
I'm so sorry for your losses. You can also consider hatching eggs from a hatchery if you ever decide to expand your flock again or if you find a breeder you can trust. Best wishes!
I am very excited this spring! I am starting with a new flock of chickens! I lost my whole flock last year when I introduced an adult without quarantine..... BAD BAD BAD IDEA. Coryza spread and killed all but 2. Those 2 are living elsewhere (not here, and with no other birds) and I thoroughly disinfected the coop run area a month ago. So here is the new crew: 4 cuckoo maran hens, 7 EE hens, 1 black sex link hen, 1 Delaware hen, 1 RIR hen, 2 speckled sussex hens, 1 Silver laced wyandotte hen, 1 barred rock hen, 1 barred rock roo, 1 buff orpington roo, 1 buff hen, 2 buff laced polish, 1 golden polish. I intend to keep them for their whole lives so I wanted a motley crew! I am posting this as a lesson to all: NEVER introduce an adult bird without quarantine! I am like a proud daddy with my new chicks though!

im sorry for your losses! I just love your new flock!

I had one question. if you lost your entire flock from an adult w/out quarantine, can you loose a broody and all the chicks if you add a TSC chick w/out quarantine? I mean, how the heck do you quarantine chicks?
im sorry for your losses! I just love your new flock!

I had one question. if you lost your entire flock from an adult w/out quarantine, can you loose a broody and all the chicks if you add a TSC chick w/out quarantine? I mean, how the heck do you quarantine chicks?

Chicks are typically hatched in an incubator and therefore come from a clean slate. Hatcheries all need to be NPIP too, therefore you recieve healthy disease free chicks (mostly). My problem is that I got an adult from a non-NPIP source and she was carying the disease...
Chicks are typically hatched in an incubator and therefore come from a clean slate. Hatcheries all need to be NPIP too, therefore you recieve healthy disease free chicks (mostly). My problem is that I got an adult from a non-NPIP source and she was carying the disease...

ok thank you.

im very thankful you shared your experience so others can learn from it as well.

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