Problems with chickens feet...not bumblefoot.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 22, 2013


About a month ago I had a silkie hen limping and eventually could not stand on the foot affected. The foot appeared to be cut and healing. About a week later her FOOT FELL OFF. I inspected the test of the silkies in that pen and one of my roosters has a toe that appeared to have been broken, bent about 90 degrees and has mostly healed that way. I noticed today one of my ameraucan roosters limping, inspected and found his feet to be in the above condition. The rest of my flock seem fine, feet look normal. I treated for mites in early spring as the silkie hen who lost her foot appeared to have mites. (Dusted, replaced bedding etc..)

I should mention I have 8 amies, and three swedes free ranging. I keep their coop reasonably clean. The silkies are not free range and are held in a coop apart from the rest.
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Upon closer inspection, several of my chickens are effected. Swelling starts at the end of the toes almost enveloping the nail in some cases. Seems the back toe is the one most effected. There seems to be no swelling anywhere other than the ends of the toes and up to the first knuckle. Bottoms of the feet all appear to be normal. Scales don't seem to be raised and nothing seems to be discolored or hot to the touch.
I have a rooster whose feet look the same way. His feet started looking bad late winter. Thought maybe frost bite. Then thought mites so treated him for that no change. Soaked his feet in alcohol for a bit each day for a week with no change. He's walking around taking care of his girls. But he has no nails to scratch with (they have fallen off). I feel so bad for my Roo.
We had a rough, cold winter. Frostbite would make sense. Combs are just know healed from it.

They seem to be getting better. The roo's feet are the worst. I thought maybe the heavier Roos were injuring themselves flying off thier roost. They do seem to be getting better, thanks for the replies.

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