How do you watch eggs hatch on a broody?


9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
North Tustin, CA
I candled last night on day 18 because I was preparing my broody for lockdown.... And I saw an internal pip on my bantam silkie eggs. I want to know if any have externally pipped, but I don't know the protocol for broody hens. What is everyone else's experience with this?
I have never watched my broody hatch out her eggs, choosing instead to allow her to just do the job she was intended for. the last hen I had hatch out chicks got up everyday right up to hatc I saw the babies when they poked there heads out the next day :)
At this point I wouldn't disturb her at all. Just make sure she has access to feed and water, she'll do the rest! You'll go out to check on her shortly and this is what you'll see!!

Best of luck to you and your broody!!
This is my first broody hatch and I am dying because at this point in incubation my nose is always up to the glass until the very end. So frustrating! I popped my head in this morning and couldn't see a darn thing!
Odd question... Do the broody hens "know" when the eggs are about to hatch? What does their behavior look like if it's different?
I can't say if they "know" or not, but I haven't seen any difference in behavior. My broody sits on the nest until her babies have hatched or I take away the non-hatched eggs and get her and the babies out of the nest box. The best thing to do with a broody is let her be so she can do her job.
I'm super anxious because I live in Osithern California and the weather for the next few days is Santa Ana winds (low humidity and high heat-90-100s)

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